

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dinner Time

Dinner time is better than Christmas!  The best is that it happens everyday.  I'm not talking about cat food dinnertime, I'm talking about the people dinner time. Some days are better than others, but dinner is the best time of the day!  The girl human is the one who is usually in charge of dinner time.  But... the boy does his fair share of cooking too.  My absolute favorites are anything involving chicken and well... more chicken!  The girl doesn't always seem so excited about dinner time like I am. She looks in the cabinets, freezer, and refrigerator with a disappointed face.  It's like she doesn't want to cook or something.  Then they both get in the car and go have dinner somewhere else.  I hate when that happens.

The first thing I must do when it is dinner time is to be patient.  I must wait for the food to arrive at the table (that's when I make my first move).  I strategically place myself on an empty chair.  It is vital that you do NOT select a chair that one of the humans will sit in.  If you choose one of those seats it is a guarantee that you will be kicked off immediately (humans do not mess around when it comes to their seats).  Once in place I must not expose myself.  I am to hide underneath the table cloth.  If I am exposed, I run the risk of being exiled from the room during dinner time.  I heard a story once that this cat was locked up in the basement everyday during dinner time... I shudder at the thought.  Once the humans have placed the food on their plates and start to enjoy their meal, that is when I reveal myself..  Ta Da..... I'm here.  I pop up from behind the table cloth on the chair... sort of like a jack-in-the-box.  Usually the humans think this is quite humorous and cute.

The next phase of my plan takes patience and precision.  I must execute "the lean".  I lean as far as I can towards the food, without jumping up on the table. I must do this slowly and discretely.  First, I inch my body forward, followed by a light stretch of the neck.  If I'm feeling gutsy I may place a paw on the edge of the table.  Finally, a full push forward with my nose (I'm pretty much on the table at this point).  This my friends is "the lean".

Once I do the lean, I usually hear those dreaded words... "Penny, No!" and I get pushed off the chair (like that is going to stop me).

My next plan of action is to position myself on the floor and stare up at the two chowhounds.  I keep my eye on them, never looking away.  At the same time I must be aware of any delicious morsels that may fall to the floor.

When this plan yields no results I must pull out the big guns.  This last plan must be used sparingly.  If used too much it will lose its effectiveness.  I save this plan for grilled chicken, thanksgiving, chicken cutlets, and tacos.  I return to the chair I was on previously.  Get ready... my last plan is simple but extremely's time for full on CUTENESS...

How can you resist this adorable furball of love?  Awwwww, look at those eyes just staring at you so sadly.  All I want is a piece of the delicious chicken you have prepared so wonderfully.  One little bite will surely fill my tiny grumbling tummy.  Pretty pretty please?

Guess what?.......... This NEVER fails.......... SUCKERS!!

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