

Thursday, June 9, 2011


It's too hot... I can't take it!!! Today in New Jersey it is 100 degrees... Do you know what that girl did this morning.  She put two ice cubes in my water cooler.  She didn't put them in the tank part, she put them in the actual dish I drink out of.  Umm, hello how am I supposed to maneuver around them.  My tongue might get stuck on one of those suckers..

Finally, the girl came home to turn on the air conditioner.  It's a loud beast of a machine, but it works wonders. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Outside is what they call it.  Outside seems like a magical place to be.  There are trees, flowers, and grass.  There are lots of bugs and other animals too.  Every day I look out the window and see things moving all over the place out there.  It seems so exciting.  I sit and look every day, wishing I could go out there.  When I hear the humans come home from work, I race to the portal which leads to the outside.  I sit and wait and stand as close as I possibly can.  When they unlock and open the portal, I carefully try to get a better glimpse of the outside world.  The humans push me with their feet and tell me "No" (they love that word).

The other day I tried to sniff my way to the outside and of course I was yelled at.  I was just trying to see that big flower across the grass that looks so tasty.  I know the humans don't want me to go outside.  They are trying to protect me.  They think I won't survive out there.  This may be true...

1) There are scary things outside like garbage trucks and kids.
2) Sometimes the wind can blow very hard, I might get blown away.
3) I have no thumbs
4) It rains outside, which is such a dreadful occurrence.  I can't imagine having to dodge rain drops in order to find a hiding place.
5) I don’t know what this is, but I’ve heard its horrible to run into… a skunk? 

Sometimes the temptations are too strong.  I see birds, leaves, chipmunks, and butterflies and I just NEED to chase them.  There are also fences and tables that I can jump onto... it's too much for a cat to resist.

Well... I caved into temptation.  The other day the girl had a lot of things to bring into the house from her car.  She kept going back and form through the portal.  So, I saw that she didn't close the portal all the way.  I just had to... I pushed the door open with my head.  I took a quick peek, and the girl was still at her car.  I walked out onto the front steps and sat there for a few moments.  I was waiting for her.  I missed her and was happy to see her so I wanted to wait.  I thought I was being sweet and that she would love to see me waiting for her.

Let me tell you how wrong I was.  The girl was not happy I was outside.  I was about to bolt off because I saw a leaf blow by  but.......the girl tricked me by telling me there was a treat inside... as I approached she snatched me up and threw me into the house.  The girl was very upset and scared that I went outside.  I even heard her say to the boy "we have to be careful with her".  I guess they really care about me.  But, I also love leaves and grass very much.  So, I guess we’ll see what happens in the future.

Then the girl said something rather peculiar... she said "good thing she's micro chipped".  Micro chipped?!  Say what?! I'm micro chipped?  They can track my every move!  Have you ever seen that move The Net… with Sandra Bullock (one of my faves).  That could happen to me now that I’ve been chipped.   Oh no, they must know that I was chewing on those papers in the office. I must go and hide the evidence before I'm caught!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


What a lazy Sunday... I love it.  The girl and boy have been in and out all day.  They pulled the blinds up for me and I've been napping on a blanket that's perched on top of the couch looking out the window for... ohhhh about 4 hours or so.  Occasionally a bird flies by which its great.   There's not too much to report today everyone.  Nothing really eventful going on.  Oh, except the humans are fiddling with some new giant cleaning machine in the basement, and they got water EVERYWHERE.  I steered clear of that one.  I love to be around the humans and see all the stupid and exciting things that they do.. but when it involves water, I'm outta there!  They didn't seem too happy about the water going all over.  I wouldn't be either.  I went down to check on my litter box.  All seems ok, thank goodness.  I hate when they mess with my litter box.  I really should get back to my napping.  As should all of you... there should be a law, Sundays should be designated for napping.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I just got word... guests are coming over!  Some cats hate it when strange people come into their homes.  Me on the other hand, I see this as an opportunity.  When new people come into the house there are so many good things that can happen (bad too, but the good outweigh the bad).

The Good:

1) The new people are overwhelmed by my cuteness and immediately want to give me lots and lots of attention.  Do I deny them? No.  Do you think I'm going to pass up on some free lovin'?  I'll even allow a belly rub or two as I roll around the floor.

2) When strange people come over (and let me tell you, some of them are pretty strange... like that Santa looking dude with the grey beard.. just odd) there is usually extra food involved.  The strange people bring food in, and the girl human makes more food than usual.  This is always a good thing.

3) While on the subject of food this brings me to my next point... more people in the house means more food on the floor.  I will be on high alert during this time.  I will station myself directly underneath the table (no chairs will be available today).  Being under the table I will have 360 degree access to every person eating and be aware of every piece that plummets to the floor.  I will be there to retrieve all pieces.

The Bad:

1) Sometimes when there are more people in the house you have to watch out for your tail.  More traffic = more feet.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

2) When the big strange humans bring the short strange humans with them, it's never good.  I think they are called kids.  Last time I checked, a kid was a baby goat... but if that's what humans want to call their offspring, go right ahead (just weird).  These kids do not understand the art of petting. They slap and smush instead of delicately stroking the fur.  They also think that tails are detachable (I will kill whoever told them this).  When kids are present, I go into hiding.   The basement is always best, kids are afraid of the basement.

3) This is the worst negative.  Some stupid humans have a fear of cats.  Can you believe it?  They actually fear me!  It is so ridiculous.  They fear for their lives at the very sight of me.  What do they think I'm going to do.. fly through the air, land on their head, and rip them to shreds.  First of all, I can't fly... I only have back claws...and I have no thumbs.  What damage could I possibly do?   When these humans show up I am put into solitary confinement.  I go into the guest bedroom and am given food, water, and some toys.  It is not fun.  I try to escape for a few minutes, but I have not mastered the door knob yet.

So... the guests have now arrived and I am getting lots and lots of attention.  This is a very exciting day.  It is a beautiful sunny day and lots of food will soon be dropped onto the floor.  Mmmmmm... I can smell the hamburgers and hotdogs cooking away on the cooking apparatus outside.  I can't wait.

This will be absolutely de..lic..i.. what's going on?  Oh no.... this can't be.  I forgot.  How could I forget?  The humans are taking the food and eating outside?!?!  They do this when the weather is sunny and warm.  Nooo, not fair.. all that food is gone :(  Nothing will drop on the floor for me. 

Bye, Bye, Beef...

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Golden Rule

Why do humans feel the need to touch and/or pet me when I'm taking a nap?  I find a comfortable spot to sleep, I fluff the area with my paws, then turn in circles a few times until I find the most comfortable position possible...... only to have you come and touch me.  I'm nice and comfy and you come along and say "awwwww" and start rubbing my head.  You woke me up because I'm cute and you wanted to say hello? What's the deal people?

I can't help it that I'm just so damn cute, but please have some respect.  I'm really getting tired of this.  Sometimes, I'm in such a deep sleep that when you disturb me I embarrass myself by doing one of those half assed gurgling meows and have a drunken look on my face.  You may think I look cute like that but that is my pissed off face.

You know what... I'm going to reverse the roles next time.  The next time I see you taking a nap, sleeping ever so comfortably I'm going to jump up next to you and just smack you right across the face.  Perhaps I'll giving you a loving head butt.  Maybe I will strategically place my whiskers right below your nose.  Then I'll just sit and stare at you like you are the cutest thing I've ever seen (even though you're not, especially when you sleep.  You're gross when you sleep.. your mouth is wide open, your breath  stinks of mint, and you have spit coming out of the corner of your mouth like a wild animal of some sorts.. not a pretty sight).  As a result, you will wake up totally bewildered with that confused/drunken look on your face.  I'm sure you will make a few grunting and gurgling sounds too.

Hey humans, take some advice from the smarter breed...... follow the golden rule.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursdays stink!

I hate Thursdays.  It's the day of the week that just draaaaaags.  It's almost the weekend... yet it's still not quite here yet.  By Thursday, I can get pretty bored.  When I'm bored, I usually get into some trouble.  Thursday mornings are also when something absolutely horrifying happens.

So today I was taking a nap.  I think it was the 4th or 5th nap of the morning, I'm not sure though.  I'm sleeping on the couch by the window as the warm sun blankets over me.  I was having the best dream too.  In my dream I was locked in a pet store (I know it sounds like a nightmare but just wait).  However, this pet store only sold birds, and all of their cages were unlocked!  How awesome is that!  So, as I was saying, I was thoroughly enjoying my dream.

Just as I was about to snatch up a Parakeet, I was woken up in the worst possible way......the Garbage Truck!

I hate the garbage truck, it is so evil.  It drives around the neighborhood making the most dreadful noises, scaring the ever loving crap out of me.  As it drives around, I must not leave the window.  I must withstand the torture as I watch.  I need to make sure it does not make a wrong turn towards my house and crush us all!  I really hope the humans appreciate my services here.

As I sit and watch with fear I get to see how truly evil the Garbage Truck is.  It stops in front of every single house and STEALS; yes I said steals, our leftovers!  The humans like to put all the delicious leftovers in a plastic bag that sits inside of a plastic container in the kitchen.  When that gets filled up they like to put it outside in an even bigger plastic storage container.  Can you believe those thieves in the Garbage Truck steal the bags out of the containers?  They leave the containers behind, proving they only steal the good stuff.  In the blink of an eye, our hard earned leftovers are gone.  Chicken on the grill, gone… half of a turkey sandwich, gone…. Half eaten piece of london broil, gone.  It’s just all gone…

Thursdays are sad and scary.  I suspect the humans do not challenge or take revenge on the evil Garbage Truck because they are afraid, as am I.  We do not want to be crushed into flat pancakes of fur.

So sad... I'm feeling awfully depressed right now, I must go snack and nap to ease the pain......

Oh my God!!!!! Catnip!! I thought I lost this toy.  Today is the best day ever! gotta go play :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dinner Time

Dinner time is better than Christmas!  The best is that it happens everyday.  I'm not talking about cat food dinnertime, I'm talking about the people dinner time. Some days are better than others, but dinner is the best time of the day!  The girl human is the one who is usually in charge of dinner time.  But... the boy does his fair share of cooking too.  My absolute favorites are anything involving chicken and well... more chicken!  The girl doesn't always seem so excited about dinner time like I am. She looks in the cabinets, freezer, and refrigerator with a disappointed face.  It's like she doesn't want to cook or something.  Then they both get in the car and go have dinner somewhere else.  I hate when that happens.

The first thing I must do when it is dinner time is to be patient.  I must wait for the food to arrive at the table (that's when I make my first move).  I strategically place myself on an empty chair.  It is vital that you do NOT select a chair that one of the humans will sit in.  If you choose one of those seats it is a guarantee that you will be kicked off immediately (humans do not mess around when it comes to their seats).  Once in place I must not expose myself.  I am to hide underneath the table cloth.  If I am exposed, I run the risk of being exiled from the room during dinner time.  I heard a story once that this cat was locked up in the basement everyday during dinner time... I shudder at the thought.  Once the humans have placed the food on their plates and start to enjoy their meal, that is when I reveal myself..  Ta Da..... I'm here.  I pop up from behind the table cloth on the chair... sort of like a jack-in-the-box.  Usually the humans think this is quite humorous and cute.

The next phase of my plan takes patience and precision.  I must execute "the lean".  I lean as far as I can towards the food, without jumping up on the table. I must do this slowly and discretely.  First, I inch my body forward, followed by a light stretch of the neck.  If I'm feeling gutsy I may place a paw on the edge of the table.  Finally, a full push forward with my nose (I'm pretty much on the table at this point).  This my friends is "the lean".

Once I do the lean, I usually hear those dreaded words... "Penny, No!" and I get pushed off the chair (like that is going to stop me).

My next plan of action is to position myself on the floor and stare up at the two chowhounds.  I keep my eye on them, never looking away.  At the same time I must be aware of any delicious morsels that may fall to the floor.

When this plan yields no results I must pull out the big guns.  This last plan must be used sparingly.  If used too much it will lose its effectiveness.  I save this plan for grilled chicken, thanksgiving, chicken cutlets, and tacos.  I return to the chair I was on previously.  Get ready... my last plan is simple but extremely's time for full on CUTENESS...

How can you resist this adorable furball of love?  Awwwww, look at those eyes just staring at you so sadly.  All I want is a piece of the delicious chicken you have prepared so wonderfully.  One little bite will surely fill my tiny grumbling tummy.  Pretty pretty please?

Guess what?.......... This NEVER fails.......... SUCKERS!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cats have it easy?

Some people like to think that being a cat is easy.  Additionally, I often hear "In my next life I want to come back as a cat." Where this false perception has come from bewilders me.  Well, I am here today to tell you all just how hard a cat's life really is.  I am going to shed some light on a cat's reality.  Let's take a look, shall we.  The beginning of  a new day starts at midnight, 12:00am (keep up humans, that's when both the big hand and little hand on the clock point to the 12).  Since 12am is the beginning of a new day, that is when I will begin my daily schedule.

12:00 a.m.
I roam the downstairs facilities.  Ohhhh looky here, I find a piece of chicken on the floor.  I eat the piece of chicken.  I realize that... it was not chicken, it was dirt.  Crap!

12:30 a.m.
I find a hair tie and knock it all over the living room.  I crash into a side table and a very expensive/pretty candle goes crashing to the ground.

1:00 a.m.
I mosey on over to my place setting and have a snack and a drink of water from my water cooler.  (yep living the high life).

1:15 a.m.
I sit in the middle of the living room floor just staring at random things for long periods of time.

1:50 a.m.
Bathroom and an investigation of the basement.

2:30 a.m.
I go upstairs and inspect each and every room for the 3 F's.  What are the 3 F's you ask?  Food, Fun, and Flying things.  It is imperative that every night, each room is scoped out for the 3 F's.

3:00 a.m.
I go into the humans bedroom and jump up onto the bed.  I walk around the humans a few times to find the best place to sleep.  Found it! I squeeze myself into the tiniest spot next to the girl.  (I sense she is not too happy about this).  It's not my fault, its my bed too!

4:30 a.m.
I follow the girl to the bathroom and sit there and stare at her.  I then go to the office and sleep on the big office chair.

6:00 a.m.
The girl's device starts ringing loudly.  She seems very pissed off and aggravated.   I wait for her to calm down and go into the bathroom again. I wait for her on the bath mat while she allows water to pour all over herself (I really don't get these humans).  Then as she grooms herself and paints her face, I get in her way.

7:00 a.m.
Breakfast!  If I'm lucky the girl will make a sandwich with some of that delicious turkey or ham..... Damn no turkey, no ham.  I then proceed to eat my own food.

7:30 a.m.
Yes! I have the whole house to myself.

8:00 a.m.
Sit in the window and watch the birds. Bluejays are my favorite.

8:30 a.m.
I fall asleep in the window with the warm sunshine beating down on me.

9:30 a.m.
Snack and water time.

9:35 a.m.
A spider!! I follow and slap him (over.. and over... and over... and over again..).

10:00 a.m.
snack time!

10:15 a.m.
I find a tiny patch of sun shining on the carpet.  That calls for a nap.

11:30 a.m.
I jump up on the kitchen counters (shhhh don't tell).  I find the spoon the girl used to scoop out my breakfast! That was an unexpected snack :)  While on the counter I knock things down off of the counter (oven mit, fork, plastic bag..) you name it, I got it.

12:30 p.m.

4:00 p.m.
The girl comes home (she looks frazzled).  I roll around on the floor on the carpet (when you do that, the humans think you're all cute and stuff and they like to pet you and scratch your ears and neck).

5:00 p.m.
The boy comes home. Same thing....... Roll around + act cute = pure bliss.

6:00 p.m.
Beg and I mean BEG for some human food.

6:30 p.m.
Dinner (begging didn't work).  And ugh! they gave me the same food as this morning.  I really can't stand that humans think I want to eat the same flavor for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

7:00 p.m.
I lay down on top of the couch looking out the window.  

8:00 p.m.
The boy taught me how to play fetch with hair ties.  Dogs are dumb, but that game of fetch they invented... just awesome!

8:30 p.m. 
Snack, water, bathroom

9:00 p.m
I lay down with the humans while they watch the box that lights up.  Then, I jump in front of the box and watch the humans get mad.

11:00 p.m  
The humans have fallen asleep.  I start to make noise by playing with a toy I have found underneath the bed.

11:30 p.m.
I get thrown out of the bedroom (absolutely rude)

12:00 a.m.
It starts all over again!

Now... I dare you to say that cats have it easy!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Beef.... it's almost what was for dinner :(

I was so damn close! As I said she would, the girl human brought the food bags into the house and I was ready to do a sneak attack after she left to go back to the car.  Immediately, I spotted the beef.  I was pushing my nose through the bag, and then the girl human comes in.  However, she got distracted by an ant!  They are having ant problems lately (which they usually respond with "Penny get the ant", Do I look like an exterminator to you?, I think not).   So, she's distracted by the ant, trying to find a napkin to squash it.  Lady, it's an ant,  by the time you find a napkin it will be gone, we're not talking gigantic blood sucking vermin here.  It's a little ole ant.  Anyways, she was distracted which gave me a few more precious moments to finagle my way into the beef.  But just then, I got distracted, I heard a loud noise... proceeded by me spotting my favorite toy waaaaaaaay across the room.  By the time I had realized what I was originally doing, she snatched up the beef.. damn.  Its a terrible thing, tasting success and then it is snatched away from you at the very last moment.  I won't give up hope yet though, there's always next time.


What a great day so far.  The humans have been home all morning, which means they are not going to work today (more attention for me).  The birds are chirping away in the trees.  All of the windows are open in the house for me to jump into.  The best part is the girl has the ShopRite paper and a notepad out.  Score!..That means new and tasty food will be entering the house soon.  I always try to sneak into the plastic bags.  She usually drops the bags off in the kitchen, then goes back to the car to get more.  That's when I make my move.  I usually try to get at the meat or milk before she comes back.  It always fails though, by the time I find the right bag, she's back in the house telling me to move and get away. I'm going to keep trying though.  Maybe one day, on her way back from the car she'll get lost and that will give me plenty of time to rip open the beef.

Happy Memorial Day

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Yeah, I'm mad. those two humans do this thing where every once in a while they pack a lot of clothes and stuff into bags.  Then they take the bags and put them in the big shiny thing with wheels (the thing that takes me to hell, I mean.. the vets office).  They get in that thing and don't come back for a while. Sometimes its a long time, and sometimes only a little.  It doesn't matter though, they left me here all by myself.  Do you know how bored I can get?

They think by refilling my water tank (yes tank, I'm too cool for just a simple bowl) that everything should be ok.  They also think that petting me a lot and giving me some treats before they leave will make it ok.  Wrong again.  Those two dim bulbs also believe that by opening up a window upstairs for me to look out of will make me feel better while they are away.  Hello?... you opened the window that is not near any of the good trees.  I can't see any birds!  That window only has a view of cars driving by, and do I look like a dog to you?

So anyways, back to why I'm mad... they came home today.  It was only a short trip but it doesn't matter, I'm still pissed off.  They think by acting all happy to see me and petting me makes me feel better, but they're wrong (as you may have noticed they're wrong a lot.. it's a human quality).  Little do they know that I have already retaliated.  You know those round shiny things, DVDs I think, well I knocked them all on the floor (on purpose).  I'm sure they will step on them and break a few before they realize they are on the floor.  Then, I noticed that the girl left her new black pants that she wears to work on the bed.  So, I made sure to sleep right on top of them all weekend long.  Yeah... let's just say those pants are a little furry right now, she'll love that).  Finally, I jumped up onto the dining room hutch and knocked EVERYTHING down.... mail, stamps, magazines, and oh my favorite.. pens and pencils.

I'm still giving them the cold shoulder, right now they're sitting on the couches watching the big box that lights up.  I'm standing a good 20 feet away, I need to keep my distance you know, let them know exactly how I feel.  Hopefully next time they'll think about little precious Penny before they leave.

Update:  (4 minutes later) - I have forgiven them and am comfortably laying on the couch next to the girl.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I don't understand

You know, it's Saturday morning at 6am and I'm trying to get these damn humans to wake up, and they get mad at me?!  I mean what's so hard to understand here, I slept all day.. I played all night.. slept for about 45 minutes early this morning and now I'm ready to eat and play.

To wake them up I first start out with jumping up on the dresser.From up here I can really survey the area and see what I'm working with.  First I try to be nice, I play with the window blinds.  You know.. I push my little paw in between the slats (remember, no thumbs so this can be a challenge) and I proceed to gently push the slats up and down.  I figure this light delicate noise is a nice way to wake up.  Well, do you know what that girl did?  She looked up at me and yelled "Penny, No!"  No what?  I don't understand what she is saying no to.  It is time to wake up.

So, plan A didn't work-- so I resort to plan B.  The human (you know.. Mr. I'm so cool my name only has two letters in it) he keeps all of those whistling, beeping, and ringing devices devices on the dresser.  so, I decided to gently place them on the ground (it's only 3 feet down and its carpeted.. soft bounce we're talking here people).  I figure he loves these things so much because they are always attached to his hip, his ear, or he's always looking at them  So, if I ever so lightly place them on the soft and fluffy carpet, he will get up to get them.

My plan failed.  He was not happy that I moved his precious pieces of crap--he got up alright but it was to throw me out of the room!  I mean, the audacity of these people.  The last time I checked, ummm, this was MY house.  Who has their toys all over the place?  Me.  Who has their scent on everything? Me.  And, who has a bed in every single room of the house?  That would be me.  It's my damn house and they had no right to throw me out of that room.

Because of their hurtful and inconsiderate actions, they have left me no choice.... Plan C.  I tried to be nice, but no... they didn't appreciate that. So, I then proceed with plan C.  First, since I've been thrown out.. I ram my head as hard as possible into the door.  This makes a very loud noise and swings the door open.  .  I jump back up onto the dresser.  In doing so I slide right into the plastic rectangle, the contraption where they put those shiny round discs into... and I allow that contraption to slide straight into the window and crash.  finally, I get a good running start and do a flying leap on the bed.  Lucky me, I landed right on the girls back (target hit).  The girl human shot up out of bed and started yelling at me (very foul language might I add).  She seemed very pissed off.  Well, that resulted in her waking the boy up.

All I have to say is... MISSION COMPLETE.

I hope you all can see that I tried to be nice and civil about this.  The humans are the ones that went and made this extremely difficult.  I heard the girl say "oh my God that damn cat".  Damn cat? I'm the one that tried to wake you up so sweetly by bending your brand new window blinds that you took like 2 hours to install  (I even remember that I tried to help untangle the strings for you, which you did not appreciate).

Sometimes I just don't get these two.... Well, I'll be trying again tomorrow, bright and early :)


Friday, May 27, 2011

Let's give this a whirl

So let's see here... Bear withme, it can be prettyhard to type when your fingers and hands are covered in  fur.  Oh, and havingno thumbs?! What the hell  is that all about.. Thanks for that one God. No thumbs really makesthat damn spacebar hard to press.

Don't worry, I'll get the hang of this, it's not so bad.  Except, Amanda's laptop is slow as hell.. we need to work on this.  Hold on... stupid pop-ups.  Really, I won $1,000,000.. What is a cat goingto do with $1,000,000.  Now, if I see a pop-up saying I won 1,000,000 tasty treats, or 1,000,000 bread bag twist ties, then we will have something worth talking about.

Let's start with some introductions.  I of course am Penny.  I'm "Purrfect" get it?  I'm a cat... me... purr?  I'm sure you humans are smart enough to pick up on that one (maybe).  But yes, I'm Penny, your wonderful, fabulous and friendly house cat.  They tell me I'm about 3 years old.

As I mentioned before there's Amanda.. the girl human.  She's alright I guess.  Then there is the boy.. A.J. (only two letters?, stupid humans...).  He's okay too.  I mean they're humans, you can't expect too much, but it could be worse.

A few years ago, the day after Christmas, the boy and girl human came to get me out of that damn cage at the vets office.  I hate that place.  Nothing, and I repeat nothing good ever comes out of visiting the vets office.  You get squeezed, pushed, grabbed, poked and those cold glass sticks shoved up your ass?!  Still tryingto figure that one out.  Man... that gives me chills just thinking about it.

The boy and girl brought me to their home. I must say, I was impressed.  A whole house is way better than a 3x3 metal cage that smells like cat piss... Hey it wasn't me, I think it was that damn Russian Blue next to me (she was a bitch anyways).  I was in that cage for over a year, since I was six months old.  It was nice of them to pick me.  Well, why wouldn't they?  I know everyone would always come to the vet's office and choose a kitten.  I'm top-notch, and those humans knew that.

I never understood why people always wanted kittens.  Kittens are always scared out of their minds, claw the shit out of everything, and piss onthe floor?!  These two humans aren't too dumb, they knew where the good stuff was at (I'm talking about me of course).

So, now its me, and the humans.  It can get pretty interesting around here.  But, I think its working out pretty well.  Time for a snack and a nap.
